Maximize Lead Gen at Web3 Conferences

Confra provides experienced, Web3 native business development managers to attend conferences for you. Confra BD represent your company at the conferences you can’t attend, delivering high quality, qualified leads straight to you.

How it works

From preparation to lead-delivery, we take care of it all



Approve your Confra BD, who will learn your business, align on targets and plan every conference day in order to maximise leads.


On-Site Coverage

Your Confra BD engages with prospects at pre-arranged meetings, booths, side events, and networking sessions.



Receive warm, qualified leads, ready to meet with you.


Quality leads, industry expertise and end-to-end support.

Quality Leads

Pay only for leads that result in meaningful follow-ups.

Deep Industry Expertise

Our BDs specialize in L1/L2, DeFi, infrastructure, stablecoins, and more.

Conference Experts

Hundreds of hours of conference experience allows BD to make the most of every minute.


Fixed Conference Fee

Includes BD fees, flights, accommodation and per diem

Success Fee

Based on qualified leads and deals closed

Get started

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